Hp Smart Array Advanced Pack Evaluation License Key

  1. Hp Smart Array Advanced Pack Evaluation License Key Generator
  2. Hp Smart Array Advanced Pack 2.0 Evaluation License Key

Add Raid licensekey to a HP Smart Array P421

For a mass storage application we had to use HP smart array Raid 6 functionality. Usually we bought P812 card which come directly with the Raid 6 features. But those new server I didn’t check the quotation and our supplier shipped us a Smart Array P421 which required the Extend Pack to work with Raid 6.
So after ordering it and going through the various HP web site in order to get my license key, here’s how to add it using the CLI.

And it’s all done now you can create you RAID 6 array

HP Smart Array Advanced Pack
HP Smart Array Controller requirements A minimum of:
* HP Smart Array P212, P410, P410i, or P411 controller
* 256MB Cache Module
* Battery Kit for Battery Backed Write Cache (BBWC)
Single-Server License
Contains one license, a printed license entitlement certificate, end user license agreement, and license key installation card delivered via physical shipment. For use with a single server. The license entitlement certificate must be redeemed online or via fax in order to obtain the license activation key(s).
HP Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP) consists of a group of firmware that provides additional and advanced feature functionality within the Smart Array Controllers that requires a license key for activation. These licensed features provides an easy key activation to enable features such as added RAID protection, drive erase and performance optimization and more.
NOTE: Smart Array Advanced Pack is hosted on the Smart Array Controller hardware and can be enabled on the HP Smart Array P212, P410, P410i, and P411 controllers with a Battery Backed Write Cache module or a Flash Backed Write Cache module.. SAAP functionality is standard on the HP Smart Array P812 controller.
Standard Features
RAID 6 (Advanced Data Guarding) protects against failure of any two drives. It requires a minimum of four drives. RAID 6 can tolerate two simultaneous drive failures without downtime or data loss and is ideal for applications requiring large logical volumes.
RAID 60 (RAID 6+0) is a nested RAID method that uses RAID 0 block-level striping across multiple RAID 6 arrays with dual distributed parity. RAID 60 allows administrators to split the RAID storage across multiple external storage boxes. It requires a minimum of eight drives.
Advanced Capacity Expansion (ACE)
Advanced Capacity Expansion complements the conventional capacity expansion feature of Smart Array controllers by allowing customers to perform two new operations to either shrink or move existing arrays
The Shrink Array operation allows customers to remove drives from an existing array
The Move Array operation allows customers to transfer the contents of a disk array from one set of physical drives to a second set of physical drives.
Mirror Splitting and Recombining in Offline Mode
Split an array with one or more RAID 1 or RAID 1+0 logical drives into two identical, new arrays with RAID 0 logical drives.
Drive Erase
Erase physical disk or logical volume. Useful for the decommissioning, redeployment, or returning of hard drives.
VOD Performance Optimization
Video on demand (VOD) focused enhancements that improve performance while video streaming.
Dual Domain
Dual domain creates redundant pathways for external drives from servers to storage devices. The redundant paths created by these configurations reduce or eliminate single points of failure within the storage network.

Hp Smart Array Advanced Pack Evaluation License Key Generator


Hp Smart Array Advanced Pack 2.0 Evaluation License Key

ArrayHp Smart Array Advanced Pack Evaluation License Key

HP Smart Array Advanced Pack Evaluation License Key - hpsaaplicense.txt. HP Smart Array Advanced Pack 8 HP Smart Array Advanced Pack About SAAP SAAP is a collection of additional and advanced controller features embedded in the firmware of select Smart Array controllers. To access SAAP features, activate the software with a registered license key. SAAP 1.0 provides the following features:. RAID 6 (ADG). RAID 60. The license entitlement certificate must be redeemed online or via fax in order to obtain the license activation key (s). HP Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP) consists of a group of firmware that provides additional and advanced feature functionality within the Smart Array Controllers that requires a license key for activation.

I just took 5 minutes and ran through the download of the HP Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP) License. Apart from single icon being missing on one of the pages, I did not have any problems getting and installing the 60 day license, which gives HP two months to get you the key you need while you are up and running. HP Dynamic Smart array provides more customer choice with higher levels of data protection for embedded controllers, these data protection levels were earlier only available to standup controllers. With Dynamic Smart Array controllers (B120i and B320i) customers will be able to better use the emerging storage media, i.e.